Sunday, April 10, 2011

Secrets of success"

According to Richard St John we can count 8 secrets to succed in life:
* Passion (do things by love above all)
* Work hard (and take plaesure to work hard)
* Pratice (to being excelent)
* Concentration (focus yourself to one thing)
* Push yourself (physicaly and mentaly, and you help made by your mother!)
* Serve others something of value (to be rich)
* Have idea (it suffices to analyze the society to have a simple and good idea)
* Persist (nomber one reason to succed)

I quite agree with the 8 secrets of success from Richard St. John, but I think some of these only applies when you want to become rich, like "serve others something of value" or "have good idea"...
I think that before we make a lot of money, there are sort of stages in everyone's life that can lead to success: not financial success but personal success. And I'm convinced that we have to pass our personnel life before money.
That's why I want to add a secret to success which is for me the most important of all: patience. (looks like "persist" but not exactly the same for me)
Often the things in life need time to be complete, I can illustrate this principle with a personal life example:
(It may sound superficial but it's real for me) When you love someone deeply in love, and that one "knows " that this person is really do for us, but the relationship can not be viable immediately, the best of your weapon is patience. Patience to know each other, to lear from each other to understand us and patience to build trust and love.

When one truly wants something from deep within yourself I think by dint of patience it will happen ... I got the results of my exam of "éducateur spécialisé"and I have not yet passed the writing ... I actually applied at least 6 of the 8 secrets of success from Richard St John!!
I know I will succeed and I do not discourage me with a failure, I keep patience, knowing that my turn will come ...

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